
Paralysis can be accompanied by sensory and/or motor nerve damage, leading to the loss of muscle functions.

What Is Paralysis?

Paralysis can be accompanied by sensory and/or motor nerve damage, leading to the loss of muscle functions. It is often categorized as a disease of the central nervous system associated with many neurological disabilities such as Stroke, Trauma, Nerve injury, poliomyelitis, cerebral policy, ALS, etc.
Depending upon the cause, paralysis may affect specific muscular group or the region of the body. It can thus affect any part of the body, any time in a person’s life.

How Prevalent Is Paralysis?

As per the epidemiological survey, almost 1 in 50 people on this earth living with the paralysis. Thus, paralysis once thought as a very rare disease has been spread dramatically. Approximately 6 million people are living with the difficulties to move the upper or lower extremities. The survey has as well suggested that the stroke is the leading cause of paralysis accounting for almost 29% of the cases. The second largest threat has been spinal cord injury taking 23% of lives and the third largest cause of the disease has found to be 17 percent.
In general, the disease is distributed commonly in general people without any racial, geographical and sexual distribution.

Factors Responsible For Paralysis

There are many people, who are born with the paralysis. For others, who become pray for the disease due to environmental trigger; some of the common causes that have been listed could be:

Symptoms Associated With The Paralysis

Symptoms of paralysis are easy to identify as the patient will start losing the sensation is specific parts of the body. Due to paralytic attack, it will become impossible to control muscular movement of the body. It is as well very commonly reported that before a strong paralytic attack to a particular limb or muscle, there can be an increased tingling sensation or numbness.

What Goes Wrong In The Paralysis?

Lymphoma can be referred to as cancer of lymphatic system of the body, more precisely white blood cells. Since, human lymphatic system is attached with each and every organ of the body; it is easy for the abnormal cancerous cells to pass through the blood to the different organs and thus spreading the disease. The process is known as cancer metastasis, which is referred as an advanced stage of the cancer.

How Stem Cells Treatment Can Help!

Stem cells are the master cells that are responsible for developing an entire human body from a tiny two-celled embryo; due to their unlimited divisions and strong power to differentiate into all the cells of different lineage. This power of stem cells has been harnessed by the technology to isolate them outside the human body, concentrate in the clean environment and implant back.
Thus, stem cells treatment involves administration of concentrated cells in the targeted area to form colonies; a peculiar characteristic of stem cells, adapt the properties of resident stem cells and initiate some of the lost functions that have been compromised by the disease or injury.
Various studies have suggested that stem cells obtained from matched allogenic donor can be very effective for the condition, reversing it to be normal. The child has to undergo complete destruction of his/her own bone marrow and undergo infusion of bone marrow stem cells from allogenically matched donor.
The haematopoietic stem cells and some percentage of mesenchymal stem cells are found to be very effective in complete replacement of total bone marrow with the healthy cells, due to their regeneration power. It has as well been suggested that the population of mesenchymal stem cells will home in different damaged areas to give rise to different organ-specific cells, which have been damaged to restore back their function. However, the earlier the treatment starts; the more effective the treatment can be.
The bone marrow transplants for the treatment like leukaemia has been long tried and tested, curing the disease with the best possible way. The relapse rates with the transplants are also found to be very low.

Treatment Of Paralysis At Giostar

We have mastered the technology for isolating maximum number of viable stem cells allogeneically with the matched donor to treat various patients with paralysis. We are the licensed, private organization with the excellent, well equipped state of the art facility to isolate, process and enrich the viable number of stem cells, which can be re infused back into the patient’s body. Generally, these cells are administered through any one of the below mentioned methods depending upon our expert’s advice:
Various data is available suggesting in vitro differentiation of stem cells into insulin producing beta cells. These cells can as well help in creating a microenvironment due to initiate secretion of different immune cells to counteract autoimmunity of the individual.
Thus, once infused back in the body, these cells are known to revamp the cellular system in bone marrow as well as in damaged organs. Thus, the recovery period after the transplant, is found to be between 1 to 2 months; depending upon the patient’s health, age and will power. Paralysis cannot be possibly cured completely, but it is definitely possible to control the spread of the disease.

What Sets Us Apart


Disclaimer : Results may vary for each patient. GIOSTAR practice the application of stem cell therapy within the legal regulations of each country.